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May 2021: Curlew news and views

Russ writes:

Here, we provide a summary of CRP and general Curlew news and views for May 2021:

Published 13 May 2021

Our partners at BTO are working with Forestry Commission on a new wader hotspot modelling tool that will help ensure breeding Curlews and other waders are taken into account in future tree-planting schemes.

Published 18 May 2021

Curlews got a mention in the Government’s policy paper on nature recovery, delivered by the Environment Secretary, George Eustice, at a speech in Delaware Forest.

It was good to see the BBC’s online coverage of this speech included Tom Streeter’s Curlew picture that was originally distributed as part of our launch:

Published 21 May 2021

An overview of the Curlew headstarting project in east England, involving our CRP colleagues at Natural England, WWT and BTO.

Published 25 May 2021

A lot of topics relevant to Curlew conservation are covered in this GWCT interview with Jake Fiennes, director of conservation at Holkham Estate in Norfolk.

Published 26 May 2021

Curlews feature heavily in an ongoing campaign led by the New Forest National Park Authority to inform recreational users about ground-nesting birds.

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